The elaborate nature of the scheme at the New York Attorney General’s Office (AG) to close RIVERA’s office demonstrates just how shameless the AG was in exploiting RIVERA.  It is unbelievable that there are some who would break the law and would scam charity institutions for personal gain. Farm owners in Puerto Rico and people with special needs in Bronx, New York, go without the proper services because of this secret entity.

We will not allow fraudsters to rip off New Yorkers, and those who do so will be held to account. This discreet international entity with Lebron, acted in concert to violate civil and constitutional laws, here in New York and in other places in this world. This entity is criminal, and we will explore if what they did is legal. Moreover, since the issue is civil,in a significant U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding the statute of limitations in civil RICO actions, the Court in 2000 held in Rotella v. Wood that the four-year statute of limitations period begins as soon as a plaintiff discovers his injury, regardless of when the fraud is causing that injury is discovered, October 1, 2016.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act commonly referred to as the RICO Act, or simply RICO is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. Now that the matter is before the Court, there are two separate injuries following claim before the New York Court of Claims.

AAG ROBERTO LEBRON and his discreet entity engaged in a Thirteen-Year scheme to illegally arrest RIVERA and to close his office in Bronx, New York, and Puerto Rico. Countless hearings in Court and decisions of the Court were held without a single notice to appear. John J. Montes, Attorney at Law, was never notified to represent RIVERA. Thereafter, numerous efforts to perfect their goal were made to arrest RIVERA. Here in the USA and overseas, the discreet entity worked tirelessly to get even for a personal vendetta going back to an audit conducted of the books and records of the Puerto Rican Bar Association, conducted by RIVERA.

The discreet entity nearly had RIVERA killed in October 2016 during the 30 days at the Manhattan Detention Center, 125 White Street, NYC. They tried to finish him off on February 16, 2017, by providing six (6) months of the same brutal punishment applied in October 2016. But they ran into bad luck. The Manhattan Court did not agree with the abuse and ordered RIVERA released OR. This time they were applying new torture. Without proper clothing, there was no heat, and the vents were blowing cold air. Brotherhood kept us alive; we had to wear the dirty laundry to keep warm.

LEBRON and his discreet entity are not authorized to have anybody executed in New York State or anywhere. Their practice must be closed.